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One of the best Dialysis centres near you is at Bakson’s Multispecialty Hospital. A comprehensive renal replacement therapy (dialysis) options are available to people with chronic kidney disease.

For people with kidney disease or kidney failure requiring to visit a kidney dialysis center, can visit our dialysis center in Greater Noida. We are a Hemodialysis center and offer:

We can claim to rank among the best dialysis hospital in Greater Noida as we offer a range of services. Chronic Kidney Disease (Renal Failure) Clinic, where a dedicated team of providers work together to provide comprehensive care to people with kidney disorders

  • Home dialysis training and support for both home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
  • In-center hemodialysis
  • Outpatient dialysis services
  • Pre-emptive kidney transplantation evaluation
  • Nutrition counseling, for people who need ongoing guidance from dietitians with expertise in kidney disorders, provides ongoing guidance for nutritional needs
  • Temporary dialysis if you need treatment while traveling