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Caesarian/ LSCS


At Bakson Multispecialty Hospital Cesarean delivery (C-section) is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. A C-section might be planned ahead of time if you develop pregnancy complications or you’ve had a previous C-section and aren’t considering a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Often, however, the need for a first-time C-section doesn’t become obvious until labor is underway.

Our health care provider might recommend a C-section if:

  • Your labor isn’t progressing. 
  • Your baby is in distress. 
  • Your baby or babies are in an abnormal position
  • You’re carrying multiples. 
  • There’s a problem with your placenta
  • Prolapsed umbilical cord. 
  • You have a health concern. 
  • Mechanical obstruction. 
  • You’ve had a previous C-section


Like other types of major surgery, C-sections also carry risks.

Risks to the baby include:

  • Breathing problems. 
  • Surgical injury. 

Risks to the mother include:

  • Infection. 
  • Postpartum hemorrhage. 
  • Reactions to anesthesia. .
  • Blood clots. 
  • Wound infection. 
  • Surgical injury. 
  • Increased risks during future pregnancies. 

After the procedure

After a C-section, one stays in the hospital for a few days. Our health care provider will discuss pain relief options with the patient.

Once the effects of the anesthesia begin to fade, one be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids and walk. This helps prevent constipation and deep vein thrombosis. Our health care team will monitor your incision for signs of infection. If one had a bladder catheter, it will likely be removed as soon as possible.

One will be able to start breast-feeding as soon as one feels up to it. Ask our nurse or a lactation consultant to teach how to position oneself and support the baby so that both are comfortable. Our health care team will select medications for the post-surgical pain with breast-feeding in mind.

Before one leaves the hospital, talk with our health care provider about any preventive care one might need. Making sure one’s vaccinations are current can help protect one’s health and baby’s health.

The Expert’s Talk


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